Braces Care: 5 Avoidable Mistakes for a Flawless Smile

Dentist Tulsa OK

Braces are a fantastic way to achieve a straighter, healthier smile. But with those gleaming results comes a period of adjustment. While brushing and flossing become even more important, there are also certain activities and habits to avoid to ensure a smooth orthodontic journey. Here are 5 things to keep in mind while rocking your braces:

1. Biting into Hard or Chewy Foods:

This might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s worth emphasizing. Hard foods like apples, carrots, raw vegetables, nuts, and popcorn can damage your braces. Chewy foods like bagels, chewy candy, and gummies can get stuck in your braces and wires, potentially bending or breaking them.

  • Solution: Cut hard foods into bite-sized pieces before eating. Opt for softer alternatives like steamed vegetables or mashed potatoes. Skip the chewy candy and sugary treats altogether.

2. Using Your Teeth as Tools:

We’ve all been there – needing to open a package or rip a tag with our teeth. But with braces, this is a big no-no! The force exerted on your teeth and wires can cause them to loosen or break.

  • Solution: Keep scissors, a letter opener, or other tools handy to avoid using your teeth for anything other than chewing.

3. Skipping Brushing and Flossing:

Braces create extra nooks and crannies for food particles and plaque to accumulate. Maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine is crucial to prevent cavities and gum disease.

  • Solution: Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Floss daily, paying special attention to the areas around the brackets. Consider using an interdental brush specifically designed for cleaning around braces.

4. Forgetting Your Retainer:

Once your braces come off, the celebratory fireworks might distract you from the importance of your retainer. Your Tulsa dentist will likely recommend wearing a retainer for some time after your braces are removed to ensure your teeth stay in their new positions.

  • Solution: Develop a consistent routine for wearing your retainer as instructed by your dentist. This might involve wearing it all night and for a few hours during the day. Keep your retainer in a safe case when not in use to avoid losing or damaging it.

5. Playing Contact Sports Without a Mouthguard:

If you participate in contact sports, a mouthguard is essential, even with braces. A mouthguard protects your teeth, lips, tongue, and cheeks from injuries during impact.

  • Solution: Talk to your Tulsa dentist about getting a custom-fitted mouthguard that comfortably fits over your braces and provides optimal protection.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups:

Regular dental checkups are vital throughout your orthodontic journey. Your dentist will monitor your progress, ensure your braces are functioning properly, address any loose wires or discomfort, and provide professional cleanings to maintain good oral hygiene.

By following these tips and maintaining open communication with your Tulsa dentist, you can ensure a smooth and successful experience with braces. Remember, a little extra care goes a long way in achieving a confident, healthy smile that will last a lifetime!
